Monday, October 19, 2009

Emma's Here!!!

Emma arrived on Saturday, October 10th at 6:31AM. She weighed 6 pounds 8.5 ounces and was 19.25 inches long.

Due to some last minute high blood pressure readings we opted for an induction to kick-start labor. We went into the hospital Friday (the 9th) evening at 6PM, they got me all hooked up and started the induction at 7PM (generally its a 12hr process). My contractions were pretty steady from about 8PM on although not too intense or close together. Throughout the evening it was pretty clear that I was in labor; by 5AM they checked me and I was dilated 2cm and was 90% effaced. My contractions started kicking in to overdrive and my water broke at 6AM; they checked me again and I was 10cm dilated and 95% effaced. Within the next 15 minutes I was ready to push; one problem though, the doctor wasn't there yet since my jump from 2 to 9 had been so rapid. So, I had to hold on pushing (hardest thing I've ever done) and then the Dr. arrived. I pushed three times and out came my beautiful, healthy baby girl!! So, in about 11 1/2 hours we went from 0-60 and our lives changed forever!

I was able to start nursing directly after birth and she did so well; I had no need to pump and she began feeding at regular intervals. By the time we left the hospital we were already transitioning from colostrum to milk; so that was great. Typically newborns lose up to 10% of their body weight in the week following birth. Emma only lost 2 oz. She's my little piggy!!

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