Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 1

We survived!! :)

Thankfully Grandma Lizi (until otherwise named) was able to spend the week with us, which made the transition from hospital to home so smooth!! THANK YOU!!!

We had a rough first night, Emma didn't seem to want to sleep when we wanted to; imagine that! But after that evening we were able to get into a routine where Emma was sleeping from about 12AM to 4AM and then 4:30AM to 9AM. So, we've been super blessed with a little girl who loves her sleep! We'll see how her pattern changes as she grows up.

On day 5 we went to the pediatrician for our first visit. Generally their main concern when looking at a newborn is the weight loss issue as they transition of having a constant flow of nutrients while in the womb to nursing/formula outside. We knew Emma had been nursing really well, but did't realize how well...when they put her on the scale, she weighed 7 pounds 1.5 ounces...gaining 9 ounces since birth!!! Our Dr. was very pleased!

Emma has a great temperament, she likes having her diaper changed and doesn't mind Mom changing her outfits! (Yeah I get to play dress-up the baby doll again) She loves looking at her flash cards, calms her down as she focuses on the details. And she likes reading with Daddy. All in all she is just perfect, can't help staring at her all the time. Although I'm going to have stop that if I want to get anything done!

Here are some pics of our First Week!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Yay! Thanks for the pictures! I kept checking on your blog and was like, they're not waiting anymore! Give me some pictures!

Hopefully that sounds like a loving sister/aunt instead of a selfish one :)

She looks wonderful and so do you!
